The title song will be 'RBB (Really Bad Boy)' and the album will have 6 songs!
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- ㅇㅇ 2018.11.09 13:17
- Red Velvet got severely bashed on PANN during Power Upㅋㅋ I'm sure that a few PANN girls will be sued this time too
- 494
- ㅇㅇ 2018.11.09 15:57
- From the Bad Boy teaser, it kinda felt like an opening to a movie and the MV had an open-ended ending so I feel like RBB will be the closure? From the Bad Boy teaser, it says 'series 2' so it's possible that this is a series tooㅇㅇ
- 453
- ㅇㅇ 2018.11.09 12:21
- People are already riled up just because of a comeback teaser. I hope that they don't get bashed the same way as during Power Up this time
- 423
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