Saturday, March 16, 2019


I took a shower with my mom at the gym and came out and there was a kid who looked like a 4th grader from elementary school who was crying while holding unto his phone. He was screaming and yelling while crying so I got surprised so I asked him why he was crying.
And he said "my phone closed because it had no more battery".... So I asked him if I should go call his mom and at the same time his mom came out of the shower.
She went to her kid and slapped him (T/N: non-violent context) and said "why are you crying because your battery went out?!!! Are you gonna die if you can't look at your phone for a bit??!!"

There are definitely a lot of kids who are addicted to their phones now. Even my cousin, she's only a 6th grader and she's on her phone all day long

"I saw a white marine penguin. There's no reason for this picture. It's cute."

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.03.15 20:02 신고하기
I feel like it's good for you mentally not to have your phone. It's good that you can access a lot of information, but it hurts your head and you'll just become a slave to your phone. This is just the analog generation, no sensitivity at all.

ㅇㅇ |2019.03.15 23:00 신고하기
Wow.. I'm shocked. Their whole world is nothing but a small screen

ㅇㅇ |2019.03.15 15:40 신고하기
?.. I thought that I read the post wrong and had to read it 3 times... I'm shocked

ㅇㅇ |2019.03.15 23:48 신고하기
There are only a few people who don't fall to the temptation of looking into their phonesㅋㅋㅋ

ㅇ |2019.03.16 03:06 신고하기
I don't think that he was crying because his phone had no more battery but more because he was doing something with his phone and it shut down so he lost it? I feel like he was crying because he was mad

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