Sunday, August 4, 2019


Yuju: My bias group is G-idle

(Yuju making a acrostic poem with "idle")
"Aigoo our kids~ <3 Are just so pretty~ <3 This unnie's heart is beating~ <3"

Even Heize is fangirling on G-idle ㅋㅋ she mentioned that she wanted to collab with them on radio.
Heize: I'm a G-idle fan. I you can create a good synergy like BTS, everybody will like it.

"Jun Somi "I'm fangirling on G-idle's Soojin, I hope we can eat bread together"

Somi following her on Instagram

Chungha also said that she watches G-idle's stages a lot and that she wants to have a collab with Soojinㅎㅎ
Soojin must be very popular

"'Weekly Idol' Kwanghee, is a fan of G-idle... "I memorized all their choreographies""

They are surprisingly getting mentioned a lot

post response:
original post: here

1. [+124, -5]
Idle are so good on stage that's why... to be honest, just Jun Soyeon and Seo Soojin together would already be daebak

2. [+107, -5]
Soojin is seriously super quiet off stage and she takes care of the members well without making it obvious, but once she's on stage, her and Jun Soyeon are just the two tops and swallow all the stage up ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ her body is especially pretty..ㅠㅠ Seo Soojin is the best ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+107, -6]
Soojin is daebak popular

4. [+43, -1]
Soojin is the best at drawing in G-idle

5. [+33, -1]
It's because Idle are so good on stage ㅋㅋ especially Soojin, she's just daebak

6. [+16, -3]
Idle are just fire on stage

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