● Kmedia incites YG Boycott— KVIP (@yangjinman0819) August 4, 2019
Today YTN News:
1. Don't listen to #BIGBANG
2. BB, #iKON, #WINNER Streaming↓
(No Trustworthy Source)
3. BB won't comeback, #YG dead
4. #BLACKPINK is YG too, boycott
5. Bighit, BTS is your alternatives♥
What kinds of media do like this?
Disgusting pic.twitter.com/2Bl38fD7p7
That person is translating those things with her head in her butt and victim mentality
here is what the original article actually saying
"I don't listen to Bigbang"... End of the cliff for YG's empire"
1. Don't listen to #BIGBANG -> The "fans" are the ones who are stating the facts that there is a "boycotting action" going on
2. BB, #iKON, #WINNER Streaming are going down -> She's saying that the source, which are the "digital charts" isn't trustworthyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I can't understand why she can't mention the digital websitesㅠㅠㅋㅋ
3. BB won't comeback, #YG dead ->Yeah... I guess you're right
4. #BLACKPINK is YG too, boycott -> The original article doesn't even talk about this at all ㅋㅋㅋ
The article even talks about how the unproblematic artists of YG are receiving the damage because of the YG labelㅋㅋ She translated the exact opposite of what the article was claiming
5. Bighit, BTS is your alternatives♥ -> .............????????
If you look at this tweet, it's a total chaosㅋㅋ All those international YG fans and Bigbang fans are saying "Our kids are having it so hard, it's okay if they do a bit of drugs. Those Korean bast*rds who are taking this to ruin them are the bad ones. The other company (=Bighit) is just jealous of the YG artists' talents look at that media play!!!!!!"
They all have that mentality...
original post: here
1. Are those likes under the tweet even real?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Stop mentioning BTS already you crazy b*ches your inferiority complex is showing
2. Coming from fans from a big agency's male group, they sure have the victim mentality towards BTS. They're always looking down on the small agencies' idols, so for them to see a small agency's idols chewing their one top is just unendurable to think of. It just looks like how Japan is seeing Korea right now
3. I still remember when the Seungri scandal broke out, those International Bigbang-roaches went on SNS and started to drag Bangtan left and right. I just thought "here you go with the YG I-roaches again" but to think that they would purposefully mistranslate news like that, they're seriously evil
4. They're the ones who are making others swear at BlackPink even more
5. BlackPink gallery actually came forward saying that they released that without their consent and wrote a post. The BlackPink gallery said they want to settle with that other BB gallery, right now the international BP fans are receiving the backlash

6. The i-roaches have lost itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
7. Why do they always mention Bighit and BTS out of nowhere....? Let's not forget who are the real criminals here?
8. Are the fans on drugs too? What audacity. No matter how you look at it, this just sounds like bullsh*t;;;
9. F*ck this is such nonesense that I burst out laughingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ How can you be in the right state of mind and think of something like that?
10. I'm so f*cking speechless that I couldn't think of any comment to make, but I saw the replies and they're all Black Pink fans. The BlackPink fans really have some complex towards BTS