Tuesday, August 20, 2019

[enter-talk] X1'S TEASERS ARE SEVERE

T/N: forgot to dump this one in the last X1 post..;

The quality is so severe, what the f*ck is this?..
This is the teasers from other idols



This is seriously oba, even smaller agencies are doing a better job than them

I'm not bashing X1 though

post response:
original post: here

1. [+89, -38]
They really shouldn't debut at this point~~

2. [+87, -1]
I'm a Wannable and do you think that they'll get better?? They will just remain the same~ Swing has always been like this. Wait a bit and you guys will start calling them fraud-Swing... just find strength.. it will get really hard..

3. [+49, -4]
Wow but Up10tion's quality is awesome.. they look so luxurious..

4. [+22, 0]
During my time as a Wannable, I really wanted to hit Swing with a bat every single time... Swing is just f*cking countrified and will give them that piss filter and some basic styling. The kids make it look better because they are good-looking but the quality is just sh*t.. meanwhile, the Wanna One kids only looked like that because they were handsome too... but let's not give them commoners' clothes... Swing, use your money a bit

5. [+20, -10]
I don't care about the teasers but I find the kids who received all the bullets from this rigged votes situation the mos pitiful... meanwhile, the kids who are saying that they should cancel the debut are disgusting

6. [+13, -1]
Aigoo.. why are they putting a short kid like Son Dongpyo that close to the center?... seriously, the heights just look inconsistent. Victon's pictures have a nice aura... the kids are pitiful ㅜㅜ

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