vote down - you don't like it
post response:
original post: here
1. [+101, -14]
They could've released a public-friendly song like Spring Day or Boy With Luv, instead, BTS focused on seeking their own concept and convey their own message so I find them f*cking cool for it..
2. [+90, -14]
BTS doesn't have to please the public every time they release music, instead, they stay true to who they are and want to showcase that as artists. I can agree that this song is a hit or miss, trends can't always stay the same
3. [+74, -9]
Freaking loved itㅠㅠ
4. [+33,- 42]
The lyrics were cringe I didn't like it
5. [+19, -0]

"This is my personal opinion, but the reason why you can' tell apart the vocals is because they're piling up each selves that they've accumulated and expressing it in music. This album really feels like they're 7