Wednesday, January 8, 2020


"Kim Wooseok's Minor Gallery's statement to TOP Media

The things that they are demanding:

1. Strong opposition to return to 'Up10tion'

2. Guarantee his personal promotion
- Change his promotion name from 'Wooshin' to 'Kim Wooseok'
- Open his personal SNS, etc. to communicate (with the fans)
- Open personal Vlive Fanship, official Twitter account, official fancafe, etc.
- Hold personal fan meeting

3. Fulfill the act of protecting the artist
- Take strong action against malicious posts, etc.
- Agree on charge of 3rd party (the gallery will also cooperate to protect the artist)
- Share the current situation of the punishment and charges with the fans"

The Produce fans really seem to be hopeless
Do they think that they are still national producers?

original post: here

1. Did they ask Kim Wooseok about it?

2. I don't get how people can understand why they want thisㅋㅋㅋ anyone can see that they are f*cking trying to ruin him

3. I understand why they would do this

4. I just want Wooseok to do what he wants. I don't care about anyone else. Whether he wants to go back to his group or go solo, I just want him to choose the path that he wants. As long as he's happy

5. I can understand. They must want him to go solo just like Jinhyukie. It's true that Wooseokie should choose the path he wants but I don't think that he'll go back to his group

6. Funny, who they think they are to oppose his group activity like that?ㅋㅋㅋ

7. Even without them going to this extent, I think that he'll end up like Lee Jinhyukㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. I f*cking can understand their point

9. I can understandㅋㅋㅋㅋ but only point #1 doesn't have an additional explanationㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. They are crazy


The industry's officials revealed that the X1 members wanted to have a last greeting to the fans through a group video, but some agencies strongly opposed so the plan was aborted.

original post: here

1. They should've let them greet the fans. Did they not think about the fans who are the main people concerned in this?... so many bad peopleㅋㅋ

2. They probably don't want to be grouped with the companies who did the rigging

3. The companies who refused seem to have clear convictions, I seriously support themㅋㅋㅋ

4. Since it's gonna be their new start, it's wiser not to have a final greeting

5. It's not like they disbanded for a good reason, they did it because of the rigging controversy so why have a group greeting?... I think that it's good that they all went their separate ways. These companies thought well

6. They did well

7. Wise decision

8. It's wiser on the long term that they opposed

9. These companies made a wise decision

10. Just why..? I get that it's regrettable for the fans but can they even help the situation? It's not like they disbanded because of some good news

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