1. [+233, -21]
G-idle were the first group to ever do the black hands concept, why would they steal it...
2. [+159, -31]
The colors aside, are the clothes too similar too? Long boots + gold necklace + gold rim shapes

3. [+154, -14]
It's irrefutable
4. [+128, -0]
She got eaten up by Jang Yoonjoo, my eyes are more attracted to her
5. [+125, -2]
Kids, if you hate Aespa, just don't give them any attention. You guys are the ones choosing to look up for them on Youtube and letting Aespa make money off you.
6. [+114, -6]
Their concept is similar to Kda and their teasers are similar to G-idle... Are they that envious of G-idle?