I was watching Youtube's videos about the artists' reactions to Na Ha Eun performing and I saw BTS J-Hope's reaction. The way he looked at Na Ha Eun was so heart fluttering.
The way he was clapping and lifted his hand with his watch was so heart fluttering
Why isn't he more popular? He's a f*cking prince
I'm not even his fan and I only know Jimin and Jungkook from BTS
And he was also looking at the people who were standing at the end
I'm to tired to look for the video so I'm just gonna leave the screenshot here

post response:
original post: here
1. [+211, -5]
Our Hobie was always like that, he's cool but he's super warm too
2. [+156, -2]
Jung Kindㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
3. [+124, -2]
Jung Kind ㅠ He's so warmㅠ
4. [+53, -0]
I like everyone in Bangtan but I choose Hobie if I were to marry someone
5. [+51 ,-0]
Jung Hoseok is totally husband material