Monday, May 24, 2021

[enter-talk] ALL-FAN GROUPS

(t/n: all-fans groups = groups with mostly fans of all the team vs individual fans)

Of course I'm sure there are more, but from what I saw these are
Bangtan, Seventeen, Mamamoo, Gfriend and Apink

I'm saying this subjectively so if you want to fight in the post, just shut up

(more gifs in original post)

post response:
original post: here

1. [+209, -18]
What I find the most interesting is that Seventeen's fans, compared to the number of members they have, barely have any akgaes fighting... To be honest, it's not like Seventeen has a small fandom, they're in fact quite big, but I've never seen akgaes fighting for someone among the 13 members

2. [+162, -4]
Groups with a deep relationship with each other tend to have all-fans

3. [+119, -8]
That's true, that's why it's even harder on the fans of Gfriend when they disbanded

4. [+62, -1]
Seventeen's 13 members even call each other's parents to hang out with themㅋㅋㅋ  That's why it also happens that sometimes the member isn't even aware another member went to eat with their parents

5. [+56, -5]
If you look at the foreigners, they're all OT7 fans of BTS

6. [+43, -1]
Seventeen for real... When I joined the fandom, I realized that they had a solid bond and they looked like a family, not as brothers, but they look more like a family than a normal family. The fans also naturally picked this up.. That's why it's so fun when they open their Vliveㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  The fans all watch like this ^_^

7. [+42, -70]
I seriously don't think so for Bangtan.... There are polar opposites in the fandom... It's my first time seeing a post claiming they have more all-fans

8. [+42, -0]
I saw the title and I thought of Winner and BTOB, they also have mostly all-fans. If you join the fandom for one member, you'll end up liking all of them because of their chemistry..? I've seen here and there and everyone join the fandom for a different memberㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Usually people fangirl on those 2 teams for their relationships and skills

9. [+37, -54]
Jimin and Jungkook's akgaes are so f*cked, what are you saying? 

10. [+35, -1]
Seventeen for real... They have so many members but I'm always amazed at their solid chemistry

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