As a result of the coverage from a news outlet on the 29th, Kwon Mina was found by an acquaintance after attempting the extreme choice at home this morning and was transferred to the hospital.
At the time of discovery, Kwon Mina was found in a state of excessive blood loss. It was confirmed that an acquaintance who got worried after Kwon could not be reached suddenly visited the house and quickly called 119 after which she was transferred to a nearby hospital.
Currently, Kwon Mina has undergone emergency suture surgery, and it is known that there is no life-threatening injury. However, she has yet regained consciousness.
Original post: Here
1. Have you guys ever wondered how problematic it is that the media is covering radical choices like that in articles? I rather not give her any attention.
I also think that she might've ended up like that because she got tired of the attention and the criticism. I just hope that she gets treated. If you forget about the incident, she'll be able to move on with her life too
2. I really just hope she stops SNS meets good people, get so busy that she can't think of other things and wgen she comes home, she can fall asleep right away from being tired. I hope she can live fully like that.
I know that she' keep ruminating over how her life became a failure but I hope she lets the time pass and eventually realize that it wasn't worth the pain..
I bet it would've been nice for her that the public sides with her and that she gets compensated for the damage she received but right now, the public is just tired of hearing the same repetitive stories again and again so I really hope she can grow out of it... Nobody us hearing any hood news from it and it's just getting worse and worseㅠ the public has now stopped giving attention to any of this.. I just hope she finds good people and receive treatment sigh...
3. Let's stop giving her any attention and let's stop writing articles about her. If she wants to heal for herself, she needs to go to the hospital and get treated... The way she shares every bits of her mental illness is so unhealthy
4. You don't get to choose what kind of life you'll be born with but you can still make an effort to be healthy...
5. I hope she gets better soon, I hope she takes care of her physical health and mental health and get treatment for it.
She's in desperate need of psychological counselling
6. At this point, this person just looks way too unstable.. the only way for us to help is to stop giving her attention
7. I beg her to please go far away from the public and live happily
8. At this rate, she'll never be able to leave SNS. Do you think that it'll solve anything to baby her? She needs to get her phone confiscated at the hospital
9. Isn't it better that Mina got hospitalized? Now they can force her to stop using SNS
10. Huh she attempted s*icide again???