really, this album's title track is so good, the sidetracks are also really good!!! it shows that they took the time and effort to produce this album!!! there's not a song that I want to throw out. I'm really looking forward to our H's stageㅠㅠ let's make it #1!!!
their album is high quality, I enjoyed listening to it
ㅇㅇ |2015.01.28 09:00
Hoya self-composed his rap and his punchlines in the "pretty" title track, he even participated in the composition of the side track "Jekyll & Hyde" ㅠㅠ there are no featuring in the title track, the vocals of the two of them just matches so well.. there are people who says that Infinite can only be 7. but SNEEZE (Infinite H's fandom name because H sounds like the sneezing sound) says that they really can be trusted. the rapper line can not only dance and rap, but they can also sing. this time, during their "pretty" stage, they danced well even though their choreography looked tiring. their rap and vocals were also good. stay strong SNEEZE ㅠㅠㅠ
in "Go nowhere"'s rap lyrics, they say 'we're not Girl'sday but expect it my darling, I'll give you everything, something that" Lee Howon's sense is reallyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ