Monday, February 9, 2015


Nam Taehyun who went to eat with his mother and paying the parking fee

but other people have been saying that it's his mother who gave him the money and he was putting it back 

whether it is receiving or giving, it's kinda rude and irrespectful

please be more  careful in your actions next time..^-^

post response:

ㅇㅇ |2015.02.09 22:36
What are you saying about others' opinions. It's not about him receiving or giving the cash. Nam Taehyun was calculating the cash with his mom. The truth is, that Nam Taehyun's mom was giving the cash to the ajussi. Even in the dispatch article it was written "the "meal"-dol who's eating a meal with his mother after his schedule". There's even a video of this. There were only friendly and funny comments, why are you coming to write this months after it happened. I don't know how this came out as the top on the the floating chart of articles. Please don't start saying malicious comments. Do you know how hurt celebrities would be to know that rumors like that starts so easily???? And Dispatch can sue you for using their pictures inappropriately. Please be careful

ㅇㅇ |2015.02.09 22:27
Even now no one knows what really happened with the parking ajussi, there are no facts about anything, I hope the public won't stay angry over Nam Taehyun..

ㅇㅇ |2015.02.09 22:08
looks like you wrote this to put Nam Taehyun down

인서 |2015.02.09 22:32
that's not the etiquette for treating old people regardless of the context, that's right, i'm criticizing you, sorry for not shielding you

ㅇㅇ |2015.02.09 22:25
Seriously I'm a Parking ajussi, and a teen gave me money like that, I would feel hurt. For me, that way of treating elders is irrespectful.

ㅇ |2015.02.10 00:24
It's true that you can misunderstand him as having bad personalities 

(T/N: please refer to the previous post if you guys are confused about the manner thing ^^)

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