For me, it's BAP Bang Yongguk! He's handsome and all but more than that, I really like respectful people!!
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.25 11:34
- I'm another group's fan but for me, it's Woohyun! ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ he really looks innocent, but on stage, his charisma and muscles are amzing... his personalities, voice and speech are f*cking good...
- 25550
- 규 2015.05.25 11:27
- If I ignore my fan's heart, it's Kim Sunggyu..he really seems like a sincere person, he became like a example to his members and it seems like the kids really learns from him. You can't say anything against his personality either, seriously if I had to marry someone, it would be him, he can really educate people with his personality and he would never create problems with your family. My ideal type....♡
- 23841
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.25 01:10
- Nam Woohyun for me!
- 21938
- dd 2015.05.25 13:42
- How can I give up my fan's heart..sorry..
- 11453
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.25 11:40
- Yoon Doojoon and Nam Woohyun!! Representative of boyfriend-dolsㅋㅋㅋ
- 9314
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.25 05:32
- I'm a Shawol but my ideal type is seriously ChenㅠㅠㅠHe's so friendly...his lips are really pretty too..his straight hair yesterday was seriously legendary..
- 8212
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.25 07:30
- Yoon Doojoon, Nam Woohyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ boyfriend-dols
- 669
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.25 12:33
- Infinite Sungyeolㅠㅠlooks like my family oppa
- 6416
- 콜미 2015.05.25 12:38
- BTOB Jung Ilhoon and Infinite Nam Woohyun
- 625
- ㅇㅇ 2015.05.25 12:55
- Sunggyu ㅋㅋㅋ on PANN, people were talking about his fans anecdotes once and my heart fluttered so muchㅠㅠㅠㅡㅠㅠ and his personalities too !!!! Anyways, his actions just prompt people to give him love
- 5611
- ㅇ 2015.05.25 08:16
- Bang Yongguk, Jung Jinyoung and Nam Woohyun for meㅠㅠㅠㅜ
- 534