post response: +21
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- qhtj****After Seo Eunkwang, it'll be Lee Changsub, then it'll be Im Hyunsik. I wish the general public all recognize BTOB's singing abilities~2015.05.14 오후 10:51 | 신고
- qqqq****Nowadays, Sungjae is the trend so a lot of people like himㅎㅎNot only Sungjae but the rest of the members are all charming! They're super funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋthey're seriously all stan attractors that can make you burst out laughingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋand they're all talentedㅠThey sing well and even their rappers sing wellㅇㅇif you look at their videos, you'll become a fan2015.05.14 오후 11:05 | 신고
- silv****It's Seo Eunkwang, he's been the best ever since the beginning... I think after, it'll be Changsub and then they'll push Im Hyunsikㅜㅜ Changsub said that he wanted to get recognized as an artist2015.05.14 오후 10:43 | 신고
- maxs****Seo Eunkwang is the truth, he's so good at singingㅜㅜ If he went on the Mask King, he'll be able to stay until the end for sure..ㅜ Cube, while they're trendy now, just push them!!2015.05.15 오전 11:55 | 신고
- lsy9****the 7 members of BTOB are all no joke2015.05.15 오후 11:17 | 신고