post response: +458
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- ssab****wowㅋㅋ I didn't know it was Son Naeun at firstㅋ pretty♥♥2015.05.21 오후 3:34 | 신고
- byun****i knew her only for her innocent and pure image, but she unexpectedly pulls off this concept too. She's pretty here too2015.05.21 오후 3:35 | 신고
- nans****Innocent and Sexy charisma too~~ as expected Son Naeun!!2015.05.21 오후 3:22 | 신고
- bunn****Innocent and Sexy, Son Naeun looks comfortable in both!2015.05.21 오후 3:36 | 신고
- polo****I don't care about idols but this kid is really pretty...;;;;2015.05.21 오후 3:35 | 신고
- fern****the second picture, you get the chic city girl vibe right away2015.05.21 오후 3:39 | 신고
- tjdn****wow..... I thought she was a different person//2015.05.21 오후 3:35 | 신고