from top to bottom
1. YG
3. Zipa
4. BrandNew
post response: +11
original post: here
- hahh****ah but Tablo is the hard carry on YG's team..ㅠㅠfeel bad for him
- rhdr****wow BrandNew will winㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋthey had the least applicants but they benefited the most out of it wow wow
- shjh****Verbal Jint and SanE's lineup slayed.. and please stop spoiling us
- psj1****looks like it'll become interesting ㅎㅎ
- lebr****Seriously Tablo's class, he's alone fighting with no support....He's the hard carry, why is Jinusean even on this showㅠㅠㅠ and SanE really hit the jackpot good good
- qkrd****ah no but why are they editing Gee Goo In in such a bad way, he's super friend with Lilboi in real life
- jec0****Tablo and Jinusean's team sigh......there's at least 2 good rappers per team but I don't know for YG....:they're all bad
- bbbb****NewChamp and SuperB kinda give a bad vibe;
- ljb2****funny when Gee Goo In and Jaebum introduced themselves.. Gee Goo In is the hyung ㅋㅋ
- rlat****why is Park Jaebum so biased
- cass****YG should've sent Epik High as a team.... Tablo Tukutz and Mithra would've been fine
- flyf****Just looking at BrandNew's name they look strong.2015.07.24 오후 11:46 | 신고