Nam Taehyun cried....
Park Shin Yang really looks scary
hul it looks bloody scary
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original post: here
- 아미 2016.01.22 23:43
- I'm another group's fan but...I think that it's because Nam Taehyun was told to make a "crying scene" but since he lacked so much confidence, Park Shin Yang scolded him scarily purposely after he cried and went "That's the best you can do?!" like that.. Am I right??..
- 583
- T/n: the acting scene I'm the least confident with: crying scenes
- ㅇㅇ 2016.01.23 00:25
- they live a real dorm life of an acting school, they wash, cook and sleepㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋfor 3 days and 2 nightsㅋㅋㅋNam Tae was screaming on V app "Please save me"ㅋㅋㅋhe was also thanking everyone in the guest houseㅋㅋ That's him writing with the writer of Actor schoolㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- 440
- Writer: the second assignment we prepared is a "funny assignment"ㅋbe careful not to catch a cold~ I'll see you on the second shooting's day:) mat~mat~mat(?)!!
- Nam Tae: ㅋㅋㅋㅋplease save me
- write: ....... I'll save you.......
- Nam Tae: please..
- ㅇㅇ 2016.01.23 00:04
- the brace journalists were talking about this (rumor mill) The guy is Park Shin Yang, the girl is Moon Geun Young. When Park Shin Yang and Moon Geun Young were shooting a work together, he broke Moon Geun Young's nose bone (?) if it was really him, then I pity the actors going on Actor school. If Nam Taehyun, Yoo Byung Jae and Jang Soo Won gets more famous than him for that show, he'll start planning a revenge of some sort, I'm kinda worried
- (t/n: the rumor mill was about actor A who was jealous of actress B doing better than him on a drama, so he "intentionally" opened the door on her face")
- 4225