My stomach didn't feel well since this morning. I kinda had the feeling of having diarrhea? and my stomach was making all sorts of noises.
We were quietly solving some problems in class and my sphincter muscles were contracting so much that I had to relax them a bit. It didn't stink but there was a "poong" sound... and it came out like that..ㅋ..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
and the kids all looked towards my directionㅎ....
Seriously, I was so taken abackㅠ since we were solving problems, I just pretended that it wasn't me but as time went on, I began sweating like crazy.
So I was wondering what could I do.. should I tell them or not? no, otherwise, my image will be shattered from the start of the semesterㅜ so I was stressing about whether I should tell them or not.
My deskmate is a guy and he kept looking at me
and he slowly raised his hand and said jokingly "aigoo sorry I didn't digest well this morning, sumimasen!~"
and all the kids in the class were like "XX(name of the guy) so disgustinng, you farting dude, poong poong" and they were teasing him...
when I came home, I told him how thankful and sorry I was and he just said "no it's nothing"
and I totally fell for him...
So how can I end this postㅎㅎ.... anyways I'm so thankful towards my crush! I'm gonna buy him mentos tomorrow!
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2016.03.19 09:20
- I was pretending that I didn't fart f*ck.....Each time I was sleeping and woke up, the kids were always looking at me.... so the next time I woke up, I just said sorry right away...
- 421