Saturday, April 16, 2016


Male actors
Secret Garden, Kim Juwon (Hyunbin)

You who came from the stars, Do Minjoon (Kim Soohyun)

I hear your voice, Park Sooha (Lee Jongsuk)

Master's sun, Joo Joongwon (So Jisub) (T/N: So Jisub's wife, just for you <3)

It's ok it's love, Jang Jaeyeol (Jo Insung)

Female actresses
You who came from the stars, Chun Songyi (Jun Jihyun)

Master's sun, Tae Gongshil (Gong Hyojin)

It's ok it's love, Ji Hyesoo (Gong Hyojin)

I see hear voice, Jang Hyesung (Lee Boyoung)

Oh my ghost, Na Bongsun (Park Boyoung)

post response: +2
original post: here

1. Park Sooha and Jang Hyesungㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I can't think of another lifetime drama than I hear you voice in the summerㅠㅠ Soohaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ too pretty

2. SajangnimㅠㅠㅠㅠJoo-goonㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

3. Jang Jaeyeol has always been the one top for me but now, Yoo captain is making his way in my list tooㅠㅠㅠand as for the girls, Ji Hyesoo is the jjang, It's ok it's love as a whole is such a lifetime drama

4. Kill me heal me though.....

5. Park Sooha!!! I love you!!!!

6. I agree with allㅠㅠㅠPark Boyoungㅠㅠㅠ

7. I hear your voice is a lifetime drama.....

8. Bongsun... I'm a girl and I wanna marry her for real

9. For me, the male actor and actress from Kill me heal me too!!!

10. Coffee prince's Choi Hangyeol and Go eunchan too...

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