post response: +39
original post: here

1. imhj****[+255/-24]
Better than AOA's song
2. rkdr****[+172/-9]
Gotta admit that her song is good. If she was still in Soshi, she would have done as well as Taeyeon's I. But even so, her song is good and it's above average
3. meej****[+165/-10]
Actually the truth behind her scandal... Only the people involved know the truth right? So why are the people not involved fighting?
4. thde****[+159/-10]
Well done!!! Jessica's solo album is daebak!!!
5. rkdr****[+133/-9]
Didn't Jessica quit SM on good terms though? Unlike JYJ
post response: +199
original post: here

Her song is definitely more pop than Tiffany's but does it mean that the public will like it more? Both of their songs are pop.... Jessica appeared in the MV but without the SM logo, instead it was like a movie company logo.. I can't get used to this ㅋㅋㅋ
2. ky22****[+1635/-131]
Tiffany did the Tiffany way and Sica did the Sica way so I wish them to pursue their own ways. Please don't turn this into a battlefield
3. lnk2****[+1720/-287]
Just admit that the song is goodㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. 3062****[+1737/-294]
To be honest, the song is good....
5. 3062****[+982/-113]
No matter what they say, a singer wins through their songs...
6. kell****[+617/-92]
To be honest, this is a song that anyone can make but Jessica's voice color saved it and the melody is really nice...
7. kenk****[+550/-72]
I was shocked by her voice, she has a pleasant voice color
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