B2st - B2uty
-Beast falling in love with the fans
-B2st and b2uty does not consist in gazing at EAch other bUt in looking Together in the same localitY
-EXO-LOVE "EXO and fans loving each other"
-The letter L is between K and M in the alphabet "EXO-K and EXO-M must protect the people who are in between"
TVXQ - Cassiopeia
-I look up online and it's a constellation that is always shining
"Wherever TVXQ goes, the fans will also be with them"
Shinee- Shinee world
"Shine" means to be bright
"Hello" is greeting each other
"Idea" there's a thought that appears in our mind
"Need" We need each other
"Enjoy" We enjoy spending time together
"Ease" we feel comfortable with each other
"Wait" know that we'll be waiting
"Oxygen" like oxygen
"Remember" we will remember you for a long time
"Laugh" we smile by looking at each other
"Denstiny" we're fated..
BTOB means Born TO Beat, you need a beat and a melody to produce music
"For BTOB, fans are there so that they're able to make music"
-B.A.B.Y means Baby Always Behind You
-The fans are like precious children to BAP
-IKON are the fan's idols and the fans are the symbol of IKON
Rainbow- Rain-nous
-If there's a rainbow among the fans, it's like a light peeping through the dark (clouds?)
OMGirl- Miracle
-It's a miracle to have met the fans
Infinite - inspirit
-INSPIRIT means 'full of spirit', In Spirit means 'to be in one's mind/heart'(infinite also has a song titled like this), The fans are also in spirit with infinite like an anchor
Seventeen- Carats
-Seventeen will shine brighter like diamonds if carats are there
post response:
original post: here
- 인피니트 2016.06.21 00:21
- (explaining what Inspirit means because OP originally didn't mention them)
- 24244
- ㅇㅇ 2016.06.21 02:10
- EXO-L sounds pretty to you?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The first time I heard it it reminded me of some computer software it sounds so so. And isn't EXO-M non-existent now?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋthey're just 3 pigeons and 1 CEO^^
- 6796
- ㅇㅇ 2016.06.21 00:13
- EXO-L sounds nice but when Baekhyun calls his fans L-ie he really sounds like he cherishes us❤
- 488