to resume the events:
Woo Taewoon lost and it's creating a HUGGGEEEE buzz online right now
he became one of the most anticipated rapper for SMTM6
and one of the biggest victims of Mnet
viewers have noticed that Mnet continually edited him like a fool whereas other participants made mistakes and weren't seen as "bad" as him
post response: +186

original post: here
1. [+9721, -408]
Woo Taewoon literally crushed Myeondo...Woo Taewoon must be so salty right now...He was seriously the best today
>Illionaire are glamorizing Myeondo way too much;;
>"crush" is a bit of an overstatementㅋㅋ
>I really wonder why they let Myeondo choose the beat on the second round..
>Agreeㅋㅋ Woo Taewoon was way better
2. [+8309, -315]
Woo Taewoon should've been the one to go up
3. [+7905, -188]
If the winner is already chosen why are they even doing a 1:1? Wasting my time
4. [+7526, -240]
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Do they have any shame????ㅋㅋㅋ It's not like Woo Taewoon sucks or something
5. [+4388, -90]
Zico, go write a diss track...
post response: +63

original post: here
1. [+2648, -60]
Their favoritism is over the top, just say it straight that you wanted Myeondo since the beginning;;
2. [+2302, -44]
Ah I really wish good to Woo Taewoon, he was cool today
3. [+2086, -49]
Seriously the producers' favoritism is amazing...
4. [+1876, -37]
Woo Taewoon you did well!! Go higher, chin up!!!
5. [+1533, -36]
F*cking one sided vote... tsk
To resume,
both him and J'kyun did badly in the 1:1 battle
but in the end, the producers assessed them based on their skills/potentials
he won his 1:1 against J'kyun
post response: +16
original post: here
1. [+802, -13]
I like seeing him acknowledging what he did. His Eminem tone is cool
2. [+613, -13]
Right.... But even so it's ok, just show us a better side of you next time, we know what your skills are made of
3. [+534, -8]
Even so, don't give up and show us what you can do until the end
4. [+461, -8]
Seo Chulgoo will show how big of a resolution he had to decide to come back
5. [+339, -8]
Chulgoo-yah~~aigo Chulgoo-yah why are you like thisㅠㅠ
To resume:
One said that he met one of Yang Hyunsuk's rep and that person told him not to stress
but it gave him even more stress
when the beat started, One got tangled in the rhythm so Lee Gyuhwan couldn't do the part that followed One's part (if that makes sense :S)
nonetheless, he still won the round
at the end he said "I sucked so bad..."
post response: +64

original post: here
1. [+3103, -82]
He looked way too desperate, but they have to choose one so..
> One should've been the one to drop, there's no fairness in this
> Are they picking him for his name valueㅡㅡ if you have name value, you're in if not, you're out
> One should've been put with Junoflo and he would've 100% been eliminatedㅎ
2. [+2983, -64]
The title shouldn't be "spitefully survived", but more "lucked out and survived"
3. [+2080, -34]
One was better last year
4. [+2039, -67]
Ah such a shame for Junoflo...
5. [+2159, -220]
BlackNut shouldn't have said that to Mino but to One that "YG is giving them an iron plate of armor"
post response: +601

original post: here
1. [+2293, -51]
We need a redemption match for this
>If Season4 missed Bewhy, they're missing Junoflo for this season
>Bewhy's deification is going out of hand now, Junoflo is way better
>He's not even at Bewhy's level
2. [+2221, -21]
I feel like Hash Swan is more unique, but Junoflo is a better rapperㅇㅇ In the bottom line, both are good
3. [+1850, -17]
Wow Hash Swan was good so was Junoflo, that's such a sad stage. Junoflo was the one who got eliminated, Their system of picking up the neighbor (ie: picking up the acquaintance) is too crooked.
4. [+1791, -130]
Hash was freaking amazingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋBoth did well, but Hash was better..
5. [+1509, -59]
Hash Swan was the best today, he's so unique that you can't say anything about himㅋㅋ