post response: +285

original post: here
1. [+3754, -610]
Is it a crime to debut in the US now? I think that she's cool for trying out without knowing whether she will fail or succeed
2. [+2204, -417]
I wish her success!!
3. [+1821, -331]
I really wish her to succeed, like this, it'll open more opportunities for Korean singers to debut in USㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+1856, -376]
I will support you CL♥♥ cool to see her challenge herself
5. [+1354, -287]
I wish her success!
6. [+276, -58]
It's been how many years that she was going to debut in US?
7. [+234 ,-44]
She still hasn't debuted yet? It's been so many years already
8. [+175, -30]
YG really likes overseas a lot, Whenever they make a comeback, it makes me wonder if they're overseas pop singers visiting our country... Black pink entered Hyumsuk's jewelry box too now
9. [+163, -27]
Except Psy, none of the Korean singers have succeeded in the US... Nothing is certain yet
10. [+182, -40]
She still hasn't debuted yet?