Kim Heechul and Dahyun had a corner called "I want to become close" and they had to tell each other 3 compliments.
But it became more awkward between the two of them and Kim Heechul said "I just met the most awkward person ever since I debuted" and everyone laughed.
post response: +72
original post: here

1. [+813, -63]
You're telling me that they are 16 years apart with that face?
2. [+718, -43]
It's not that I have a big interest in him but seeing Heechul now, he really has a baby face and he's also pretty.
3. [+592, -56]
I thought that Kim Heechul's social skills were the best but why is he so awkwardㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+486, -41]
16 years..... It's daebak, Kim Heechul is baby faced
5. [+303, -18]
Ohh.... they are 16 years apart?
6. [+71, -1]
If he says that, it'll become even more awkwardㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+69, -3]
If they are 16 years apart and that his face looks like that, then he's f*cking baby faced. Heechul is impressive.
8. [+67, -3]
So even Kim Heechul can be awkward....