1. Yoo Seungho (1993.08.01 debuted in 2000)

2. Kim Yoojung (1999.09.22 debuted in 2003)

3. Yeo Jingoo (1997.08.13 debuted in 2005)

4. Kim Saeron (2000.07.13 debuted in 2009)

post response: +3
original post: here
1. What about Kim Sohyun? There's also Shin Sekyung
2. Personally, I think Kim Sohyun fits more than Kim Saeron
3. I was thinking of Park Bogum
4. I think that Kim Sohyun would be more representative than Kim Saeron but it's still ambiguous now. In the future, the top 3 child actresses will surely be Kim Yoojung, Kim Sohyun and Kim Saeron
5. Why isn't Sohyunie there?ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ
6. Hyangi too, she did a lot of good works, but the kids there are all good too ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ
7. Our Hyangi isn't there..
8. Hul Yeo Jingoo oppa's pictures, heart attack
9. Hul it's been 13 years since Yoojung debuted...
10. Kim Sohyun over Kim Saeron. Kim Saeron's acting isn't on par with Yoo Seungho, Kim Yoojung and Yeo Jingoo