post response: +130

original post: here
1. [+9091, -178]
Why is this f*cker coming back?
2. [+7343, -125]
Why is this on the main page, remove it
3. [+6572, -162]
You left once and it was over, why are you coming back, there's nothing we can give you anyways, go back to your country!!
4. [+6155, -126]
I hope there weren't any fans who went to the airport???
5. [+4654, -152]
Alert alert a Chinese is here
6. [+1046, -18]
He's not the ex-member Kris, his just a Chinese tourist Wu Yifan
7. [+902, -15]
Not Kris but Wu Yifan
8. [-863, -22]
He didn't get egged at the airportㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ