1. 1 or 2 people seeking attention by stirring trivial stuff doesn't mean that the whole fandom should be sworn at~ (This applies far more on Twitter than here)
2. Even if there's friction between fandoms, it doesn't mean that idols should be dragged into this~ (People throw derogatory words at each other and assault each other, but in the end they always end up blaming the singers)
3. When anyone and their mothers can see that a post is trying to swear at someone, let's just not participate in them~
4. It's not by bringing issues on Twitter or other websites that your fandom will calm down
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.01.15 02:38
- @@My bias are precious to me, therefore we should respect other people's bias@@ If there's something happening between fandoms, we should never drag our bias into this. Don't lash out on Twitter
- 211
- ㅇㅇ 2017.01.15 11:22
- The most obvious things on the list are the hardest to keep. Let's stop the fights. Please let's just stop.
- 170