post response: +478
original post: here

1. [+1537, -342]
Suzy-yah, I daebak like your song, congrats
2. [+1273, -288]
I liked all the songs that Suzy suggested. Especially the last one 'End of the day? (하루의 끝인가?)', it's totally goodㅠㅠ
3. [+1131, -267]
I'm f*cking looking forward to Bae Suzy's title song
4. [+1192, -290]
Because of Bae Suzy, I had a happy 7 years <3
5. [+1107, -263]
Suzy's too prettyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
6 [+429, -73]
Honey skin and honey voice
7. [+420, -72]
Suzy-yah, I'll always support you
8. [+389, -63]
I found her ver voice soothing and niceㅎㅎ Suzy fighting!!
9. [+403, -68]
I'll always support you, Bae Suzy fighting