Monday, July 31, 2017


It's Gfriend

At first, they lived in this lodging
Seeing the exterior, you can guess they were probably living in the mid level

That's their second lodging, it kinda looks similar to their first one

That's what their salon looked like
there were only 3 other rooms:
1 room: manager
2 room: Sowon, Yerin
3 room: The rest of the members

The fans gave them a lot of gifts, but there were nowhere to place them because it was so small

And on today's V app

It doesn't look like their agency since there's an interphone behind them, so it must be their new house

It looks totally nice
they must've earned lots of money...

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2017.07.31 21:23 신고하기
Their house became so nice, I'm so proud of them..ㅠㅠI saw that on Vapp and they seem to play well in their house, they're already 6 people and they also live with their manager, so it must've been so small for them all this timeㅠㅠ Now they have a salon, a veranda, more place to sleep..Anyways it's a good thing they moved again

ㅇㅇ |2017.07.31 21:56 신고하기
If you look at their schedule from last year, only for May~June, they were having 2~3 events a day. When they were done promoting Rough, they released a full album 4 months later with their comeback. The album had 12 songs in them, so in 4 months, they had the time to attend concerts and record at the same time while learning new choreography. They must've had no time to do anything, and then they came back right away.  And once the night hits, they had to practice again...Their health state during events were them having dislocated shoulders, and they were skinny down to their bones. Anyways, since they reaped what they sowed, I feel very happy for them, but I hope they won't get hurt during this promotion and will only think of their health. Especially SinB, every time she promotes in summer, she always dislocates her shoulderㅠㅠ

ㅇㅇ |2017.07.31 21:20 신고하기
They must've earned a lot of money.. Seriously last year, Gfriend was living their prime days

ㅇㅇ |2017.07.31 21:49 신고하기
They're the real business womenㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋThey're not even from a big agency, but they did well right off the bat and seeing themselves move from houses to houses, they must be so proud

ㅇㅇ |2017.07.31 21:56 신고하기
I got shocked at Umji's picture in the middleㅋㅋShe's slowly becoming prettier

ㅇㅇ |2017.07.31 21:42 신고하기
They're seriously an icon of the 3rd generation of idols

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