(Reaction order: I like it, it's warm, it's sad, it makes me mad, I want a follow up)

1. [+7,678, -602]
How can you call "public service" as "national protection"
2. [+6,822, -387]
He spend all his golden 20's in the society while only serving while he wants to serve. Being a celebrity is the best job
3. [+5,462, -357]
Anyways, he'll go to public service right?
4. [+4,015, -276]
Ok, now that you have stirred the waves, you must go. What's with the delay? Later on, you can't pretend to be sick and not go ok?
5. [+3,501, -259]
Just go
6. [+683, -65]
Celebrities can defer their enlistment all they want so I'm not even fazed about it anymore. It all depends on if they will actually serve or not
7. [+417, -110]
It's because the situation around him right now makes it hard for him to enlist. Wrap up all your work and have a safe enlistment
8. [+417, -119]
He's serving anyways, so cut him some slack