Do you guys know Brand New Music, Im Youngmin and Kim Donghyun?
Yes, that's right!
They are Fi.Nal.Ly debuting on the 6th of September!!
Brand New already revealed Good Day and I Just Do on the 27th of July but they are officially debuting now!
While preparing for their debut, they appeared on SNS and V-app
They shot a couple of photoshoots meanwhile and showed us a warm image
And they will make their first reality show with On Style and OLIVE on the 5th and 12th of September!!!
They will have 6 songs in total in their album. and the title song will be I'm The One!!
Please support them a lot and please listen to their song repeatedly!!!
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.03 22:32
- Im Youngmin, Kim Donghyun and their fans are all likable ❤️ I wish that all of you do well and I hope that they will be able to promote with my bias!! I'm supporting you!!!!!!!!!! ❤️
- 1653
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.03 22:42
- Both of them gave me a good impression on P101. So they are debuting... congrats!
- 1461
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.03 22:35
- ❤MXM, I'll always support you! Thanks to everyone who will be supporting YoungDong❤
- 1423
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.03 23:02
- I like these two.... they are not my bias but they are both cute...... I hope they hit big..!
- 450
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.03 22:49
- Youngmin was my pick during P101 and he's finally debuting! He's so cute and kind so I like himㅋ I'm sure that he'll gain lots of fans after debuting too! I hope that he'll have as much blessings as hardships
- 450
- ㅇㅇ 2017.09.03 23:46
- I'm a muggle who watched P101 and Im Youngmin gave me a good vibe. Seriously, he's personality is nice so he stood out for me. It was such a shame how he fell to top 15 but I'm relieved that he gets to debut with Brand New. I'm supporting you
- 420