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Female - vote down
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ㅋㅅ | 2017.09.04 00:20 신고하기
Guys look like they have so much fun playing together
추천 26
반대 5
ㅇㅇ | 2017.09.04 06:37 신고하기
I would straight up be a man if I was reborn in this country
추천 24
반대 3
ㅇㅇ | 2017.09.04 00:16 신고하기
If I was a guy who looks above average, I would flirt with every girl
추천 16
반대 5
ㅇㅇ | 2017.09.04 07:02 신고하기
To live in Korea, you have to be a man. It just shows the saying of "son preference"ㅠ Honestly, guys have it so much easier than girls in all their lifeㅠ
추천 12
반대 1
ㄱㄷ | 2017.09.04 06:59 신고하기
Isn't it obviously male?? There's no place better to live in as a man than Korea
추천 12
반대 3
ㅇㅇ | 2017.09.04 08:04 신고하기
They don't get targeted by hidden cameras, don't get pregnant, don't have menstruation... I'm f*cking jealous
추천 9
반대 0
ㅇㅇ | 2017.09.04 01:12 신고하기
If I have a pretty face, I would want to be a girl, otherwise, I want to be a man
추천 8
반대 0