CLC Sorn got dissed on PANN before because she was fat
but personally, I think she suffered a lot as a foreigner getting sworn at like this so I found her pitiful
This was before
After she started dieting her face changed
I saw that on Youtube and thought her waist looked so pretty, and then I saw her face and realized it was her
I thought "Aaayyy this is considered fat?" when I saw the first picture. Are people swearing at her having famine standards when they judge other people?
My bias is from the same agency. If not for their personalities, they would be likeable.... Seriously because of those few members, I got turned off. But Sorn is really kind
I really hope CLC does well. I don't expected them to become huge, but they're wasted in such a big company. They release a bunch of rookies and don't take care of them, they're talented and pretty, it's a shameㅠㅠ