(picture not included)
Do you agree?
Why are there so many societal misfits here?
There are only bashing posts in the top trending page right now
and all the upvotes are fabricated upvotes, the comments are also disgusting
It's either posts dissing Baekhyun's personality with edited pictures
Or posts throwing personal attacks towards Jungkook
Or posts swearing at Irene's personality
and posts accusing XYZ of image making and bringing back controversies from ages ago
All those posts have at least 200 upvotes~
Now I know the level of PANN~
You f*ckers out there writing these posts,
And you f*ckers upvoting those posts,
And you too, f*ckers writing hateful comments,
Are celebrities some sandbags to you?
The internet should really reveal the real names,
and why are the fans staying still like this?? We should all sue them;;
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.01.06 14:54
- They're just human trash, they're the ones making the mistakes, but no one is there to attack them? I'm sure they're just giggling while browsing through the comments here, goosebumps
- 880
- ㅓㅜㅑ 2018.01.06 19:24
- No but even though Baekhyun made a mistake, this is going too far. He already apologized, but it's been how many posts already that are still finding fault in him and sending him death threats;;; And that clarification post about IU was just buried down f*ck but the one hating on her got 1500 upvotes (t/n: there was a post about her "image making") ㅋㅋㅋ And Irene's proportions? Do you have any shame at all? Please, if you want to write something like that, prove that you're better than her first ㅋㅋㅋ Yup, I know your proportions are sh*t~~~
- 272