Wednesday, January 31, 2018


"It feels refreshing"
"I'm looking at Jackson today and..."

"You're losing your variety skills, it looks like you've been contaminated.."


"You're quite docile today"
"Usually you are more hyper"

*Jackson 4 years ago*

*Does martial arts*

*and even fencing without request*

*Captivates the MCs by ruining himself*

"You caught the artist disease!"

"you've became way too serious"

"Actually nowadays.."

"I'm doing music.... I'm trying hard to go towards this direction"

"That's what artist disease is!"

*sunbae in artist disease comforting him*

"You know I showed my bright side until now right"

"That's one of my shortcomings but also my advantage" 

 "It's something that's been troubling me"

"But this trouble is what made you start (t/n: what led you there)"

"I haven't started yet"

"You haven't caught the disease yet?"
"Not yet"

"Please send Jackson to the hospital"

"You've already appeared on so many variety shows"

"But why aren't you appearing on any of them nowadays?"

"Nowadays I also do music"

"That's the artist disease!"

"Why is it a disease if I want to do music?"

"Is me being a singer wanting to do music a disease?"

"I debuted as a singer"

"Variety people are the same" 

"I was calling them to guest on my show"

"They told me they didn't want to guest!"

"MC disease!"

"Celebrities are all catching the MC and artist disease"

"I want to show the serious Jackson who does music aside of the bright Jackson who appears on variety too"

post response:+1
original post:here

1. How is a singer wanting to do music considered artist disease....?

2. Was I the only one speechless at thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I know they want to be funny but still

3. Seriously the way Kim Gura talked made me feel so uncomfortableㅜ
 > I agree ㅋ He always thinks everything he says is right but whenever someone disagrees he gives that annoyed faceㅋㅋ it makes things so u comfortable to watchㅜㅜ
 > Reminds me of Trumpㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. Jackson only spoke the right words bb... Why is a singer wanting to do music considered artist disease?

5. I watched this episode and they kept going with the artist disease through the whole show

6. I watched the episodeㅠㅠㅠ It was funny but the way they connected everything he said with artist disease was too muchㅠㅠ I know Wooyoung was the first one to mention this but what Jackson said to Cha Taehyun is true, even as a joke it was still a bitㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 

7. As a singer we expect you to treat music seriously, why is it a disease....

8. I watched the episode and that part was a bit off-putting. It's a fact that Jackson has a lot of solo promotions nowadays and he mentioned a lot of times before that he's always serious when it comes to music. I hope people won't think of him having the artist disease because of that

9. We always knew that Jackson has a lot of deep thoughts and treat things seriously.... it's just that when he debuted his variety image became too strong but I wish it wasn't the caseㅠㅠ They might be all laughing on broadcast but fans who watched it weren't laughing at all

10. Seriously when I watched Jackson's part I almost died from rage... Why are they bringing up the artist disease to everything he said

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