original post: here
1. [+3763, -22]
Seriously, the broadcast was like a gif, thank youㅜ BTS, I’ll look forward to your promotions this time too
2. [+1374, -11]
Seriously, I didn’t look away not even for 1 min ㅠㅠ so that I don’t miss a thing~~ BTS is seriously so cool, as expected from the bestㅎ!!
3. [+849, -7]
Thank you BTSㅠㅠ I’ll always support you. I received a lot of comfort from listening to your songs. Thank you and thank you again
4. [+436, -7]
Ugh, time went by like an instant and it ended too fast ㅠㅠ
5. [+249, -6]
Bangtan~ I love you<3<3
6. [+215, -1]
I’ve seen lots of choreographies with standing mics but theirs really felt unique and newㄷㄷ