When people leave work, this is a familiar sight of the subways. It's all chests and backs pressuring you for your 4 sides and you have to ride the subways while having difficulty breathing. I was riding the subway on a random day and got off and there was this girl who just jumped out among a sea of people. I was so surprised and looked again and it was a woman who was super small.
When I ride the subway, my head is above people's chest and backs so when people push around me, my nostrils don't get blocked. But for women who are around 150 cm tall, are you guys fine when you ride the subways during rush hours?? Sometimes, when my condition is back, I even throw up in the washrooms after riding the subways due to the pressure so I can't imagine what it's like for short girls.
post response:
original post: here
- 맞음 2018.07.17 17:29
- Please wear your backpacks in the front. And if you hit someone with it, at least pretend to feel sorry. I seriously get annoyed when they don't pay attention to their backs and shove everyone around
- 14623
- 143cm 2018.07.17 17:16
- The guys around me straight up brushes my nose off with their armsㅋㅋㅋ people who are short are just armpit-smells-inhalers
- 8871