original post: here
1. [+90, -1]
Attention seekers really live in their own worlds, repulsive
2. [+35, -1]
Is she crazy?... I really wonder about the state of her mind when she uploaded this picture..
3. [+29, -1]
She's either shameless or she doesn't realize the situation... people were hurt in the way but this seems too early
4. [+17, -1]
Seeing it like this, T-ara are really the pitiful ones...
5. [+15, -1]
6. [+6, 0]
This person is pretty scary. To think that this one person hat the power to turn the whole country into fools? And she also hurt a few people along the way while clearing all the controversies she had with her staffs. She's again acting on her own and being happy by herself. I'm not saying this in a good way
7. [+5, 0]
She lives in her own world.....