t/n: tips from the picture:
Get rid of meat smell on your clothes -> water + dry with cold air
Get rid of smelly shoes -> leave it in the freezer for a day
Blocked toilet -> 2 pumps of shampoo and wait 30 minutes
How to clean a tumblr -> add water and egg shells and shake
Sink gets clogged -> put straws in a zigzag shape and make scissoring movements in the drain
If your suction rubber falls off -> stick it back on and use a hair dryer and dry it at high heat
When your jar doesn't open easily -> overlap your elastic around the lid and turn
To prevent bugs in your rice -> put hot peppers in your rice
Remove sticker stains -> rub with hand cream
Remove smell from chicken -> soak in mil for 30min
Overflowing pot -> put a wooden spoon over it
Remove lint -> scrape it lightly with a shaver
Seaweed that lost their crunch -> microwave for 15 seconds
Wall stained with oil -> wash it with beer
Stretched out knit -> iron against the grain
Pen marks on clothes -> wash with mosquito bite relief
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.12.03 20:15
- Don't put shoes in your freezer. My dongsaeng put his shoes there and now, our freezer smells like feet too, f*ck
- 4663
- ㅇㅇ 2018.12.03 17:57
- Fact) you can tell me all of these, but I won't do them because I'm too lazy
- 1843