Friday, January 11, 2019


Idols who were trainees in Bighit

ONF Laun

Yuehua An Hyungseob

TXT Yeonjun

Bighit's taste is clear

(more pics in original link)

post response: +1

original post :here

1. I acknowledge their tasteㅜㅜ!!

2. How does it feel to fangirl for Bighit? I kinda feel dragged in right now
 > They don't know how to serve fangirling content, so they just dump everything onto us
 > They seriously can't manage their fangirling content, it feels like they're hammering our heads with it .... There's just too much... I can't handle
 > A pic that sums it all up
 (Bighit: Eat that fangirling conten! This too! Eat everything!
fans: F*ck crazy f*cker, stop throwing!!)

3. I can clearly see Bighit's preference...!! I can also see my empty bank account...!!

4. A clean flower boy look... Bighit knows fangirls well..

5. They really love that pure and innocent lookㅋㅋㅌㅌ

6. They also had that trainee who looks like Taeyong...! It was 3 years ago that he left the company ㅠㅠ
 > Ateez Kang Yeonsang?
  >> Yep!

7. Hul I didn't know Hyungseob was from Bighit... But as soon as I saw Yeonjun, it reminded me of Taehyung

8. I want to try fangirling on Yeonjun

9. Wow seriously remove Hyungseob and Yeonjun and Laun could pass as brothers

10. They all have that boyish lookㅠ ㅠ Everyone is handsome

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