Friday, January 11, 2019


You can read the case HERE

To sum up, Brian Banks, a football player was 16 y'o in 2002, when the case happened. He was still a student. He met a student called Wanetta Gibson (15).
After having a consensual "make out" Gibson accused Banks of rapping her. Her family also sued the school 1.5M for lack of security.
The girl later was revealed in a secret camera that she admitted the false charges and didn't want to pay back the 1.5M she sued the school. The jury immediately freed Banks and Gibson is now ordered to pay 2.6M to the school.
They also gave him 2.7 billion compensation fee. (t/n: won)

original post: here

1. That f*cking b*ch ruined that guy's life

2. The most sad part is... He has wasted so many opportunities that can never be brought back to him ㅠㅠ He also lived 5 years in that US prison (from what I heard, prison in the US is no joke)... ㅠㅠ 

3. Hul the way he's crying is so pitiful...

4. This is so sad to hear, but I'm happy that they gave him 2.7 billion compensation for what they did.. If it was our country, they would've simply released him from prison and that's it. A compensation? Forget it  ㅋㅋㅋ 

5. I'm freaking pissed off

6. Hul what about that guy's life? There's rarely any proofs for sex crimes, so usually people always side with the victimㅜㅜ  Poor man

7. There was no proofs, are they able to put him in jail still? They should've done a thorough investigation, we're talking about a person's life here

8. This is so scary. That crazy b*ch liked the guy, but because he didn't want to reciprocate, she went and sue the high school. And at that time, the investigators thought that this guy was the big issue so they imprisoned him without any proofs. But that crazy b*ch approached him again later and told him to date her. So the guy met up with her and lied to her just to record everything she said under tape and barely made it out... F*ck... Damnit

9. The tears are the proofs

10. Every time I read about this case, I get so mad

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