Seriously, the kid I'm hanging out with is so gorgeous that my self-esteem is getting f*cking low. I'm not trying to brag, but I also hear from a lot of people that I'm pretty but after hanging out with her, all the compliments only go to her. Seriously, it's to the point that when we hang out in the streets, we would hear at least someone calling her pretty at least once. People would only look at her. She's pretty and has a good personality too which is good but when I hang out with her, my confidence is so low. Even when people say to me "when you guys are together, your visual combo is awesome", in my head it only sounds like they are only complimenting her. I know that people are joking when they say "OP is out of season now~" or "Pretty~ not OP but XX~ (T/N: friend's name)", but it makes my confidence so low and I know that they are just saying facts. I try not making it obvious so I reply "that's right~ XX is so pretty so you shouldn't compare us ㅠㅠ" but my confidence is at the floor level ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ to be honest, even my mom said how people will compare our looks if I hang out with her and that we shouldn't hang out together. XX is pretty and kind and nice but I somehow feel so small when I hang out with her. Everyday, I would wake up super early to do a full-makeup face just so that people wouldn't compare us and it's so tiring.
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2019.03.07 15:00
- What do you guys think about your friends?? Nowadays, when I read the posts that get posted here, I feel like friend =your pride. It feels like you guys treat your friends like some kid of accessory. You would ignore the kids who look like losers and f*cking s*ck after those who are popular. But when your friend ends up being prettier than you, your confidence lowers, but at the same time if your friend doesn't wear makeup and looks like a loser, you don't want to hang out with her... (T/N: there was a post back then asking if you would hang out with girls who don't wear makeup and the majority said no) Aren't you guys tired of living like that?? I find you guys hilarious that you're saying that you want friends, you guys put others in those classes and if their class is lower than yours, you would ignore them. But to consider someone of "your level", you would look at others' faces, money, how they dress themselves, their personality, etc. Are you guys looking for friends or interviewing them for a job?ㅋㅋ
- 44631
- ㅇㅇ 2019.03.07 17:05
- Why's everyone hating on OP..? Of course she would feel like sh*t if she always gets compared no?
- 1853