Jeno-yah please reflect already, it's been so many times, this isn't it ㅠㅠㅠ
Who would hit their chest and find it frustrating when someone else talks...
I really hope NCT learn what being xenophobic means and raise awareness about it
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2019.05.28 04:06
- I'm a fan, but Jeno is at fault here and I have no intention to shield him. I'm just worried because NCT already has so many haters so they will seize this opportunity to gather and swear at them. However, this event was problematic, even the fans recognize it. This is something that the members and even the fans need to fix, it's definitely not something that the muggles or the other non-fans should interfere with and even the people who have no evil intentions, I hope you guys just watch us... We know our kids so we know how to handle this, so you trolls out there, don't create misunderstandings out of it;; We definitely plan on fixing this issue
- 9815
- ㅇㅇ 2019.05.28 01:13
- SM-ah if you were to make global idols, you should at least educate your idols about it. There are so many times that fans told NCT to stop being xenophobic... Just educate them, it's possible that they do stuff out of ignorance, so just start by teaching those things and stop giving the excuse that you didn't know ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Are foreign members pretending to not know? Just teach them and we can wait for you to fix it... The Chinese members are so understanding of the Korean members stuttering when they go to China, let's be understanding to each other
- 783
- ㅇㅇ 2019.05.28 16:54
- If you watched the live, you'd know. He got frustrated because the other member read too slowly and expressed it like that, but doing this can hurt the foreigner. But those members whether Korean or a foreigner always joke like that when the atmosphere becomes no fun, but it's still a mistake to the foreigners As long as he reflects and recognizes that this is wrong and fix it, that's it. I don't think this is Xenophobia. Being Xenophobic means you hate foreigners
- 350
- ㅇㅇ 2019.05.28 16:45
- No but if you were a fan, would you really call him Xenophobic?ㅋㅋㅋ Or did you know the meaning of the word when you used it? I acknowledge that this is his fault and he should be reflecting on it, but are you really a fan if you're dragging him like that? Xenophobia means you hate foreigners, learn the meaning if you were to write it
- 303