"Burning Sun investigation over collusion comes to an end.. "The police quickly restores trust"
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- ㅇㅇ 2019.05.12 21:50
- Even Samsung got investigated and all the investigations went through yet you have Seungri and the VVip list that just cannot be grabbed, just how big are those politicians? They're way too quiet this time
- 2010
- ㅇㅇ 2019.05.13 01:23
- Kids you're annoyed right? The answer is to boycott YG nothing else. If you didn't consume them in the first place, they'd never end up there. There's a limit to their mediaplay. Can we just all boycott YG!!!
- 492
- ㅇㅇ 2019.05.13 00:15
- Even Choi Soon Sil and Park Geunhye....Even after she got impeached, the scandal got buried,..They covered up everything..Now they're being suspected to be related to this...And it's being buried down again...And now with Burning Sun....Every time it blows up it just gets buried again..
- 472