Article claims that there have been people pointing out how Kang Daniel and Jihyo were making it obvious. During January 5th's Golden Disc Awards, people have pointed out how Daniel made it obvious that he was dating Jihyo.

People were saying how the reason for Jihyo to have moved up her place was because of Kang Daniel
And they also pointed out that Kang Daniel used his hand mirror to look at Jihyo at the back, to which people originally believed he was just joking on the video

1. [+6,922, -2,351]
This just shows the trash journalists of Korea going on gossip websites and forums just to create some headlines. People are still writing over articles like that, don't they have better things to do? What about a deeper analysis on people like YHS who broke the law? I feel like those trash journalists are way more interested in them than the general public. Please wake up
2. [+4,541, -1208]
Please don't be upset over stuff like that, you can clearly see that she was telling Mina that she wasn't appearing on the monitor, that's why she moved so we can see Mina. You're saying that this is what the source of the video said about it? I'm the one who shot the video. Write your articles once you've confirmed the truth
3. [+3,486, 1,409]
That's such a stretch to say that he was monitoring her while looking in the mirror. There's such a big gap between him and the seat behind. Why are you taking a fansite picture to write an anti article about them? I don't know what source you're referring to since the article has been deleted, but stop poking at Kang Daniel's fans. It's not like they refuted, it's already been acknowledged, so I don't see the meaning of nitpicking?
4. [+2,779, -1032]
Synthesis articles --> Took from rumor mills / Exclusive articles --> mediaplay // why are you writing articles like that? Stop it already
5. [+1,542, -256]
If you looked at the video, Daniel is just joking with the mirror by reflecting it to the members and to the fans, he's not looking behind. You can't even see the row behind at his distance
6. [+1,180, -329]
Those journalists are now taking videos to write those articles for views... Please have some conscience if you want to earn money
7. [+1,270, -489]
I have really seen everything from journalists these days