Song Hyeyo and Yoo Ah In posted pictures stating 'LOVE FOR HUMAN' at the same time on their SNS. The image changes to 'LOVE FOR WUHAN' as the H and M rotate. It means to love Wuhan and humanity as one.
Yoo Ah In also wrote on his post saying "we are human, we are earth, we are one." Song Hyekyo also expressed her sadness about Wuhan and the increasing death toll followed by prayer emoticons. Both are in the same agency.

1. [+6,787 -234]
I'll acknowledge them if they go to Wuhan and do volunteering there
2. [+6819, -275]
The reality is that they go around by car driven by their manager and live in a luxury house, so they must not feel what it's like with their own skin? Right now, everyone is wearing masks in cafes restaurants, shopping malls, bus stations, movie theaters, subways, etc. There are even warnings saying how if you went to China, to not go in shopping malls. These people are living like princes and princesses so they must not feel what reality feels like right? If not, then maybe it's because they receive love and money from China and evade taxes in Korea so they are just neglecting Korea? What "love for humanity" are you guys talking about? Would you guys even care about international peace and international relations? Just say that it's because you guys are looking at China's reaction. Do it honestly. If you guys don't know the reality, just shut your mouths
3. [+3,227, -111]
Then you two try and go to China, distribute masks and do some volunteering~~
4. [+3,728, -678]
Joongki-yah, you did well divorcing her... it's a good thing that it got settled quickly
5. [+2,385, -123]
ㅡㅡ It's because they'll get so much money from their Chinese fans. They should do it like Bae Yongjoon who donated money to Japan during the earthquake. Don't use your big mouths and just donating money should've been enough. They are not saying these words to shift the public's opinion.