Burberry wallet from Doyoung

Ipad Pro from Taeyong

Stone Island bucket hat from Jungwoo
Johnny gave him Balenciaga Speed runners
Jaehyun gave him Suicoke sandals

post response:
original post: here
1. [+223, -7]
Taeyong spent 1,8M won on a birthday gift....???? F*cking awesome.. f*ck, what a flex....
2. [+185, -8]
Do the 127 kids usually spend this much on birthday gifts?... impressive
3. [+183, -10]
It's so cute how the background on the Ipad is Taeyong
4. [+140, 0]
Haechanie was having a hard time for 3 months so everyone made sure to take care of him ㅜㅜㅜ this is so nice.. From an Ipad, to Iphone, to Speed runners, to the Burberry wallet...
5. [+118, -1]
It's true that 127 usually spend a lot for birthdays but they especially spent a lot this time.. Haechan seriously promoted nonstop, he couldn't even rest.. ㅜㅜ
6. [+100, -12]
Their love for the maknae is solid