Sunday, June 7, 2020


Iphone SE from Mark

Burberry wallet from Doyoung

Ipad Pro from Taeyong

Stone Island bucket hat from Jungwoo

Johnny gave him Balenciaga Speed runners
Jaehyun gave him Suicoke sandals

post response:
original post: here

1. [+223, -7]
Taeyong spent 1,8M won on a birthday gift....???? F*cking awesome.. f*ck, what a flex....

2. [+185, -8]
Do the 127 kids usually spend this much on birthday gifts?... impressive

3. [+183, -10]
It's so cute how the background on the Ipad is Taeyong

4. [+140, 0]
Haechanie was having a hard time for 3 months so everyone made sure to take care of him ㅜㅜㅜ this is so nice.. From an Ipad, to Iphone, to Speed runners, to the Burberry wallet...

5. [+118, -1]
It's true that 127 usually spend a lot for birthdays but they especially spent a lot this time.. Haechan seriously promoted nonstop, he couldn't even rest.. ㅜㅜ

6. [+100, -12]
Their love for the maknae is solid

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