It stinks and it looks gross
F*ck, girls are the only one shaving like there's no tomorrow at home every day. Otherwise, girls would do waxing or laser and spend so much money. This is f*cked

post response:
original post: here
1. [+142, -5]
Humanely speaking, when you wear sleeveless clothes, both men and women should shave;;
2. [+141, -8]
Women get so oppressed and it's f*cked. Men doesn't even get the least of these oppression pushed unto them and it's f*cked
3. [+70, -3]
To the f*ckers who are showing off their armpits hair in the bus, whether you're a man or a woman, I f*cking hate it f*ck f*ck f*ck
4. [+33, -1]
That's right. Also, men should shave their legs if they go out in shorts. Their hair makes me wanna puke
5. [+31, -54]
You guys are shaving yours because you want it right?;;;; Who's telling you to do it?? Why are you getting mad on your own? I've seen so many boys being made fun of being babies if they don't have body hairㅋㅋ you have to take other things into consideration
6. [+21, 0]
To be honest, men's leg hairs gross me out