Tuesday, June 2, 2020


They uploaded a picture of their kino album with one member missing on the photo
First of all, this is the original album that they uploaded

And the cover of Love Again for their kino album

They have 6 members so how can they make this kind of mistake
The missing member is Jaemin

A lot of people are wondering what a kino album is so I'm putting this gif.
You can put it in smartphones and things like that and play the album and look at the pictures through an exclusive app

original post: here

1. These f*ckers

2. This is too much

3. SM again... they are f*ckers

4. For real??? No but leaving someone out of an album is too severe

5. No but how can they make a mistake like that...

6. They could've just used the same image and this wouldn't have happened. Why would they leave out someone?

7. You're telling me that they missed a member on the album cover?;;;

8. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ crazy

9. Why do they keep on making mistakes on such basic things? Please double check their names and member count. Until when are you gonna f*ck up?

10. Did they not even double check?

11. And they even wrote his nameㅋㅋㅋ I'm not even surprised anymore

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